The Light for Today

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Location: Pensacola, Florida, United States

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

A Call for Senator Fred Thompson to Step forward

This is what my congressman says; Washington, D.C. - Congressman Jeff Miller (R-Fl-01) issued the following statement in regards to tonight's Republican presidential debate:

"I look forward to watching tonight's debate and seeing how each of the ten Republican candidates outlines their vision for the nation. Although there are several talented leaders in tonight's debate, it's my belief that the next president won't be on the stage this evening. I believe that Senator Fred Thompson is the right person for the job and I am excited about the notion of his candidacy. Senator Thompson is exactly what this country needs right now. He brings a conservative voice and a proven track record of leadership to the race. He is an outstanding communicator and would bring a national optimism to the country not seen since Ronald Reagan was in office. Fred Thompson doesn't need to be in this race; America needs Fred Thompson to be in this race."

While I enjoyed the GOP debate last night, and I lean very heavily in this same direction as Congressman Miller. I liked what I saw in several people last night, and as some spoke and answered questions, it confirmed what I already thought about them being RINO's. While Newt may be smart and all that, I don't see him being able to take out Hillary or Obama at the national level. I do believe Fred Thompson can do that.
My heart broke when Ron Paul let his words get turned around on him. I know what he was trying to say, and I agree with him on that point. I don’t think we “caused 9-11” but the collective weight that accumulated over years of being too involved in other people‘s business was a major factor. The US is involved in other people's business far too much. But that's not what everyone else heard, and Rudi jumped all over it. That sound-bite will be used against Ron Paul till he goes to his grave and that's a shame. He was trying to tell the truth.
Study the true history of our foreign policy moves since WWII and in every case, you'll see Korea was a cease-fire, not a truce, Vietnam was a cut, run and abandonment of friends; Iran crapped all over us about supporting the Shaw and still couldn't pick a fight with us because of our yellow president at the time; the Moslems in Afghanistan took our guns and dollars and fought the Russians knowing that one day we would be next. Castro asked the US for help against a gangster being bought by the Mob (read Joseph P. Kennedy friends) - The nation of Taiwan is hanging by a thread and that's why they are negotiating with Red China. It’s the same reason the president of Iraq went to make nice with the president of Iran. He knows that one day we will cut and run. He’s just covering his own butt.
This is why the founding fathers wrote instructions into the constitution forbidding the signing of treaties, and getting all involved with other people's business. It makes people hate us. Don't you hate a busy-body meddling in your business, even when you know they mean well? Are we to Defend ourselves? Yes! Give aid and comfort to people fighting despotic government? Yes! Be an active negotiator (NOT A POLICEMAN) of peace deals between our neighbors? YES! Expose our sovereignty as a nation for the making of a treaty with someone else? NO! Every agreement that has been penned in the UN, including our joining, is a violation of our constitution.
This is NOT taking a protectionist position, it is good common sense used every day in people's personal lives. I am a Christian and I come to the aid of my neighbors in their times of trouble, I show myself to be a good neighbor by being very cheerful, generous and sympathizing OVER A GOOD FENCE! I believe this was the worldview and language used by the founding fathers in the US Constitution. And this idea of drawing a gun, using it just to wave around and then attempting to "talk" your way to peace is idiotic. When you muster the fighting forces, it must NEVER be a bluff. Only bullies bluff. NEVER threaten military intervention unless you intend to set a goal for the military, and then get out of their way and support them till they win. This half-assed fighting of an un-declared war makes combat far more dangerous than it has to be. I’m looking for a President who understands the US Constitution and will follow it.

God Bless the troops, God Bless America!
Rev. Ed Anthony SSGT. '65-'73
National Co-Chaplain GoE

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Theology to think about & A call to for men to become spiritual leaders

Theology to Think About!
The church must not assume that just because they have success at producing well mannered and nice people, that their souls have been saved. A church full of mannerly, nice people, satisfied with their own good manners and niceness - not willing to request further of GOD for service in His aspirations - turned away from GOD to their own schemes, are just as needful of deliverance as any pagan. And these people will always prove to be even more problematic in finding salvation because they believe they have no need. While it is true that redemption brings about improvement in the individual, here and now, improvement is not the goal and ~certainly is not salvation. That would be "new wine" in old skins, and just a “patch” on an old garment. The will of GOD is and always has been " the total conformity to the image, of Jesus Christ" by every believer. (Romans 8: 29) The old man has to die, not just be improved upon. "...old things are passed away, behold, all things are become new." (II Corinthians 5: 17) Have you been made new?

"When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things." 1 Corinthians. 13:11
This passage of scripture teaches that there needs to be a clear point in time that can be pointed to and understood as the "time of change". In the Jewish world, for a young man, there was a public ceremony marking the time that he became a man. It was understood that this ceremony, called a "bar mitzvah", was the marking of the time that a boy became adult, or "son of the Law". The Jews required candidates to learn and commit themselves to the Biblical duties of manhood before they were recognized as adults. Some changes were expected of him by everyone who knew him. The entire community of GOD'S people were expected to help him in this time of transition. During this time of change the young man became accountable to GOD himself for obeying the Commandments and keeping the Law. (You hear this called the "age of accountability" by church people today). It was during this time that he would need all the help he could get from the Elders and religious leaders. It was this time when he was the most vulnerable to the teachings of error. It is when we attempt to change, especially for the better, that the world and the evil one becomes aware of us trying to move from our earthly father's house to our Heavenly Father's house. This time of change, this time of heightened vulnerability, can be a time that we are over powered and crushed if we do not have mature, GODLY spiritual help in facing this change. That is, among other things, the work of the church.
Sadly, many today have never made the cross over because they do not get the help they need to make this transition. And because their fathers did not receive any help with their change either, even they have very little help to offer to them now. Men, until you get you and your family under the authority and ways of GOD there will be little help to be found in the secular world. They are suffering the same susceptibility to misunderstandings and misfortunes you are. They can't tell you how to get your wife and children to a place they have never been. Many of you are still locked in to your old ways of throwing furniture when you don't get your way, throwing away relationships when you have to work at them and having a childish temper tantrum when life happens contrary to your wants. You do it at home, at work and on the highways. Your wife, your children and the rest of us in the community need you to grow up and start being part of the solution and not continue as part of the problem. The reason you are still where you are, spiritually and emotionally, is because nobody was there to help you make the crossover to being an adult. So you are still wandering around aimlessly wasting your furniture, relationships and life. You need to experience an unmistakable, public moment when you know that you are changed. When others can expect to see a difference in you. A time when from here on out, you can expect to see a difference, for the better in yourself. You deserve it and so do the rest of us.
"Change is not cheap". Going from a child to an adult is a tough change. Change isn't easy for anyone and some never change because it means they will have to have a funeral. The child, the past, has to die. The Bible calls it the old man. "And that ye put on the new man, which after GOD is created in righteousness and true holiness." Ephesians 4:24. When you surrender to the Holy Spirit of GOD and allow Him to fill (control) your life, then He teaches you from scripture and helps you make the commitment to "change" or grow up. When a child speaks, understands or thinks as a child, it's with their "emotions" in charge. You know a "going with the feeling" kind of thing. Well, when you become an adult, you put away your "feelings" in favor of speaking, thinking and acting like what is moral, righteous and honest. A child does what's easy because it feels good, an adult does what's right because that's the difference between adults and children.
This is not speaking down to anyone but spiritually speaking, those of you who are not born-again believers, walking daily in the power of the Spirit of GOD, are still involved with childish things. Remember when you were seven years old and would scream at your mother that your little brother had twenty-six butter beans on his plate and you only had twenty-four. Well, you're still there spiritually and emotionally. Now, instead of butter beans it's tree stands, bass boats and big wheels on your truck. When you become a man, grow up to spiritual responsibility, the toys of your childhood are still fun, but they don't dominate and control your life. You can try to dodge change by pointing to a good position you hold with the company or a chain of very successful businesses in an effort to prove that you are all right. This doesn't make you an adult spiritually or emotionally, it makes you a business man.
When this spiritual change you need takes place, when you are born again, Ephesians chapter four gives you a list of things, that with the help of the Holy Spirit, you can expect to have change in your life:
Verse 26, says, "Don't go to bed mad, you can forgive, it's a choice you have now as an adult."
Verse 27, says, "You are not in this alone, you have help resisting the devil".
Verse 28, says. "You don't have to steal anymore, and you can make enough with your own hands to support yourself and the poor and needy."
Verse 29, says, "You will have a new language that will encourage your children and other people around you." Verse 30, says, You have GOD'S help in making GOD happy with your life until the day you leave this world to meet Him".
Verse 31 says, "You will be free from all that child cussing, wife slapping and stomach churning bitterness in your life."
Verse 32 says, "You are free to forgive, be tenderhearted and live in joy and peace. You don't have to prove to the world that you are a man. You can expect different things of yourself now. You know you are a man because you know that Christ Jesus made you a man. You know that He has paid your cost for crossing over and becoming a child of GOD, now spiritually an adult, with old things passed away, and all things become new. (II Corinthians 5: 17) . . Ed